Smart Digital Transformation Programs:
Data and technology are at the core of digital transformation, but these factors alone are not sufficient to make the leap towards staying relevant, as per the UAE government message to invest in the human, so It’s also about people and their capabilities.

There’s no doubt that data and technology are key levers for digital transformation, but it’s also about people and organizational alignment. While much of this online program focuses on opportunities for advancing your strategic digital plan, look at the data and role of data there is also an emphasis on people and the organization.

What you will get from the course:
Identify opportunities to address specific problems within the firm and frame them in a way where a digital solution and smart transformation can be optimal and implemented.
Manage the organizational transformations, in the form of people and processes, required to enable measurable and significant change and pursue the government vision of becoming smart city.
Navigate the legal and ethical considerations that surround digital business practices, such as privacy and data protection according to UAE government law.